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The Second Book in the Chakra talk Series is Here! 


Chakra Talk: The Root. 


What you’ll receive by purchasing this illustrated ebook :



  • You’ll learn how to identify the blockages of the Muladhara Chakra aka the Root Chakra, and begin to heal yourself from tramuatic events in life that may have cause these blockages. 



  • You will also learn how to reconnect back to your Muladhara Chakra in a healthy way, by relearning healthy techniques to balalnce your Chakra.


  • Lastly you'll learn in depth, the basic functions, purpose, & properties of the Muladhara chakra. By learning this chakra in depth you will be able to build a better life for yourself with a strong and healty foundation.


  • As an added bonus in this 50 page guide, I have included techniques that I use when I feel off balance. These techniques are ways to build healthy habits that will transform your life from the inside out.


  • By the end of this guide you will have learned how to be your own healer by listening to, and observing your body, thoughts, and actions, without judgement. TAP INTO YOUR POWER TODAY! REBUILD YOUR LIFE.

Chakra Talk: The Root

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